Short Stories

A History Of Blood
Something black, about the size of a sombrero, shimmered on the sand. Its crinkled, shiny surface casting a thousand glints, pulled Newt’s attention off the path. The same stuff was scattered on surrounding creosotes and weeds. Running shoe tracks from the south lead to the spot, stopped, turned and went back along their original path.

Jarilla Man
DNA from a human skull found in the Jarilla Mountains matched that of a femur found more than thirty miles away near El Paso. Charlie Enis rested his head on his hand and stared at the computer screen in disbelief. He rechecked the details of work by the student who did the analysis. There was

A Little Bird Told Me
An innocuous article in a national magazine triggered the deaths of three men. Describing successful businesses on Indian reservations, it mentioned that, besides a prosperous gambling and hotel business, the Mescalero Apaches also offered elk hunts. John Charles Lawton, III, read the article. His face red with anger, he tossed aside the magazine, crossed a

The Long Shot
After Santos’ wife died, he stayed drunk for two years and wandered the highways of New Mexico. He expected to die somewhere in the desert, his death a metaphor for what life had become without his woman, but it wasn’t his time. Finding odd jobs along the way, he kept from starving and his supply

The Nail Dream
On the way out of Albuquerque, a golden oldies radio station started playing Bob Dylan’s With God On Our Side. Teresa, her mind zoned far away, was resting her head against her hand, her elbow propped against the open window of our old Ford Truck. The wind streamed and whipped her long hair making it

Spider’s Good Luck
It was probably cooler in hell. The sun’s fiery stare made mirages shimmer off the broad span of interstate streaking away in the distance. Mountains were a flickering blur of brown and splotchy green flame against a flawless blue sky. Air whipping through the windows of the old Chevy pickup felt like it came from